These are the voyages of the CEP (Collective Enforcement Patrol) Cutter Alex Murphy, an experimental CEP patrol vessel.

On Rciba

For the past two weeks, the crew had been on shore leave on Rciba, an earth-like planet that holds the capital of the Collective, when Captain Bletheriin received a message summoning the crew to investigate possible sentient trafficking around the planet Merrick. After attaining the release of two crewmen from donjon (again), Alex charted an indirect course to Merrick to avoid being seen.

En Route to Merrick

Kovak expertly jumped to Z7474 system, the first of two dark points to arrive on the far side of Merrick.  There she scanned the region and identified remnants of debris suggesting that a craft collided an asteroid.  The second dark point proved to be a small black hole. There they found an inoperable ship approaching the black hole’s event horizon. It’s transponder was not operating and there was no sign of life.  It had been left in a path that would decay into the black hole.

Bletheriin ordered a drone to investigate, with Grendal and Grrr standing by in EVA suits to board it. The drone identified a large hole near the engines. The ship’s name was The Providence, written in Garlan characters. Bletheriin researched it and found that it had been missing for some time. Grrr surmised that the ship had been struck by a kinetic projectile that was probably still inside the hull.

Grrr and Grendel entered the ship and investigated Engineering. There was no atmosphere inside the ship, and they found a large, metallic asteroid (cannonball) in the sunlight drive. It was evident that the ship had been salvaged, and that anything portable and useful had been taken. Grendel determined that there was no power on the ship. Alex’s drone provided emergency power to the computer core, and he discovered that the core had been inexpertly wiped. Grendel disconnected the computer core and Alex took it.

On the bridge, there were minor signs of conflict. There were no bodies. The cargo was also missing. Most of the stolen parts were of the kind that the pirates might use themselves, which was unusual as they would normally leave the ship’s intact. That suggested that the pirate vessel might have been damaged, but it was more likely that they were getting ready to sell their loot.

They returned to the Alex Murphy and towed the freighter into a stable orbit (it was evidence). Then they continued on to Merrick while Alex revocered data from the computer core.

In the Merrick System

Kovak expertly dropped the ship above normal route incoming craft would use. The system was a Garlan colony.  Grrr noted an in system freighter on its normal route inbound to the planet. There was no sign of any pirates. The freighter was for delivering food to the other planets and was therefore not a target, especially since it was on the return trip. 

Not knowing who might be corrupt, Bletheriin elected not to actively scan or broadcast on the public network.  Instead he sent a shuttle to the freighter to infiltrate the planet covertly.  Bletheriin and Grendel took a security team in a shuttle to the freighter, while Alex, Kovak, and Grr scanned the system.

On the Freighter

The Garlan couple on the freighter was pleased to have company.  They chatted up Bletheriin at length for the latest gossip.  They informed him that the ferry was now given an escort for protection.  The freighter crew had accommodations for all species, and the away team was able to get some rest on the mind-numbingly slow ascent to the planet.

On the Alex Murphy

Kovak scanned the system for signs of debris, but detected nothing abnormal.   Grrr scanned the area for any possible threats.  He did not find any.

Alex found a lot of data on the computer core.  The ship had been travelling for a while.   The most recent entry, which was from the human pilot, indicating that their last jump, which had been to the black hole system, had been clean.  Therefore it was noteworthy that it had not been discovered sooner.

Alex found a feed from the bridge surveillance camera.  The window covers were closed..  The pilot was in teh pilot seat.  A Garlan was in the sub-light pilot seat.   The window covers opened and the ship almost immediately struck by something.  The captain immediately opened a weapons locker, took a weapon, and ran off the bridge, followed by the pilot.  It appeared that they were acting like the ship was being boarded.   The Engineering camera had been taken out by the impact.  There was no video of the attackers, but there was the sound of gunshots.

Alex enhanced the audio and heard Garlan voices ordering the passengetsr to keep down.  Then Grrr heard G’frar voices demanding surrender.

The Bridge Crew

  • Bletheriin – Garlan (scaled hexapeds, with the front set of limbs equating to arms with four fingers, and
    the second and third having cloven hooves) captain of the CEP Alex Murphy
  • Alex – the CEP Alex Murphy AI
  • Grrr (aka Snarl) – atypical Harth (furred mammals that resemble semi-anthropomorphic dogs) Head of Security on the CEP Alex Murphy  
  • Grendel – Heffulump (alien with multiple tactile appendages) Engineer of the CEP Alex Murphy
  • Kovac – Human Pilot